Sunday, September 03, 2006

My Trust with P A S S W O R D S

Haha A funny thing to start with today. Password. The magic word. I have tried and almost successfully remembered all the usernames I have had now. But this Blogger is creating me problem.

It all started around two weeks when I desperately, seriously, immediatly all blah blah blah ly wanted to first immediate next attitude was to continue with the blog that I was doing in another blog site. Well then I thought why not continue this blogspot thing long back.

Reasons why I started blogspot:

There are not many reasons. I am kind of proud of this nick SierrA ManiaC which is not my creation. But SierrA is the car I love most in the whole world. I was really proud when my dad owned a sierra after sierra and each time I went on it I felt myself flying in an aircraft. Each time my driver went beyond 100 I felt like am flying faster than sound.

One day my friend's friend a rich guy with a richer ancestry started the websiet which is closed as of now. He used to flash this website on his Tata Sierra car, he is a total tata car maniac and I chose this id to distinguish in rediff chat rooms. I have hundreds of nicks befoer this and may be some hundreds more after this nick but this stuck.

Once I tried my luck with yahoo to create an email id sierramaniac and failed. I also found the nick has been taken in India Times and Indya chat rooms. Alas now I wanted to own every possible sierramaniac id. Then I went on a spree like I registered every single form I see as sierramaniac and finally I become one big maniac of sierramaniac.

It was during this time people were blogging and I acme and registered sierra maniac here. The story doesn't end here. From that day 1 till now I don't remember the first password I gave to it. To make the horror show worse each time I try to login it says the password is wrong and I have to send through mail for a new password. I did that yesterday, I did it today and now am gonna do it again when I blog next time. I F O R G O T M Y P A S S W O R D.

I pride my memory for remembering passwords and many other things like phone numbers, car numbers, places etc but the stupid thing is I can't remember this password. Its simply said in a sweet proverb....

pride goes before fall.

Ya It had gone and gone for a big big tosss........

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